Taxonomy Concepts Panel

The Taxonomy Concepts Panel displays a hierarchy with Concept Schemes as their roots and Concepts as tree nodes. The nodes of the hierarchy represent a broader-narrower relationship from top to bottom.

For users with edit permissions, the hierarchy can be rearranged using drag and drop, and, as usual, right-clicking on individual nodes offers further actions, see Context Menu, Explore Menu and Modify Menu.

Toolbar Buttons

  • Create Concept Scheme… opens a dialog allowing you to create a new top-level concept scheme.

  • Create Concept… opens a dialog allowing you to create a new concept at the current level of the hierarchy.

  • Quick search can be used to navigate to concepts based on the first few characters of their label.

  • Switch to full-text search activates a search mode in which not just the labels but any property can be found.

    This is usually slower than label-based quick search.


  • Also show assets marked as hidden will, as the title says, also show those concepts that have dash:hidden set to true.

  • Display IDs instead of labels toggles between human-friendly labels and machine-friendly qnames.

See Also

Further Reading on Taxonomies

Further Reading on TopBraid