SPARQL Library Panel

The SPARQL Library Panel displays any SPARQL queries that have been saved for the current asset collection - either by yourself or co-workers who have shared their queries.

Toolbar Buttons


This operation will replace whatever other query was in the SPARQL Query Panel before. Thankfully, you can open any number of new browser tabs for the same asset collection to have individual playgrounds while writing queries.

  • Show link to query URL…

    opens a dialog that displays a URL from which other applications can access the selected query.

  • Export queries to a file

    downloads all queries to a file that can be imported into another EDG instance or another asset collection.

  • Import queries from a file

    installs queries that were exported before.


  • Show Creator Column

    adds a column showing the user who has saved each query to the library.

  • Show Date Column

    adds a column showing the time stamp when the query was saved to the library.

  • Show Scope Column

    adds a column showing whether each query is local to the current asset collections or can be applied to any collection of its type.

  • Show Type Column

    adds a column showing whether a query is ASK, CONSTRUCT, SELECT or UPDATE.

See Also

Further Reading on SPARQL

Further Reading on TopBraid