Problems and Suggestions Panel

The Problems and Suggestions Panel performs various algorithms over the asset collection (or parts of it) and produces a report that lists problems with the data and suggestions on how to fix them.

The list of algorithms that are executed can be found below and under Problems and Suggestions Algorithms, but most notably include SHACL Validation.

Toolbar Buttons

  • Only operate on instances of selected class can be used to limit the results generation to instances of a certain class. Also shows a drop down to limit the severity of results to report, e.g. to not return warnings.

  • Refresh starts the report generation. A progress display informs the user about long-running operations and a Cancel button is provided.


  • Locally defined assets only: Performs the report only on the assets that are directly defined in the current asset collection but not from included ones.

  • Tabular results display: Switches between the simple boxed display and a tabular display of the results. In tabular display mode, users can more easily group related items and filter them. Also, tabular mode offers the Batch Actions Menu for the focus assets of each selected row.

  • Single-threaded execution only: By default the report will be produced using a thread-pool, attempting to maximum work by spreading it across the available processors. Switching to single-threaded execution is sometimes beneficial to run long-running processes on a busy machine, making sure that no single user can slow down everyone else. It can also be useful to measure validation times, see Record validation profiling information below more meaningfully than in multi-threaded execution.

  • Run XY: Each of the available algorithms (e.g., DASH test cases) can be switched off when not needed.

  • Generate Suggestions: Can be used to switch off suggestion generation for SHACL validation, making it slightly faster.

  • Hide redundant suggestions: Will skip any Info-level suggestions with less than 100 confidence if one of the others has a confidence of 100.

  • Minimum suggestion confidence Will skip suggestions that are under a certain confidence threshold.

  • Skip system shapes during validation: For SHACL Validation this will skip so-called system shapes. For example, there are various constraints defined for classes and the metamodel of SHACL.

  • Record validation profiling information: For SHACL Validation this will internally record the duration of each individual constraint and present them in a dialog after the report completes. This makes most sense when single-threaded execution has been activated, see above.

  • Max number of validation results: Stops validation when a certain number of results has been reported.

See Also

Further Reading on TopBraid