References Panel

The References Panel displays incoming links for the currently selected asset. Incoming references are those statements/triples where the current asset is the object, i.e. the right hand side of a relationship. Unless there are inverse properties declared, these incoming references typically do not show up on forms.

Toolbar Buttons

  • Refresh repopulates the list when needed.


  • Search across all readable asset collections will also find references that are outside of the current asset collection and its includes. In this mode, the hyperlinks behind the values will open the assets in the context of the asset collection containing the reference (statement).

  • Display all statements involving the selected asset switches to an alternative display with columns for subject, predicate and object for all statements where the selected asset is mentioned in any position.

  • Stay at the currently selected asset will have the References Panel remain at its current asset even when the user navigates to another asset.

  • Display IDs instead of labels toggles between human-friendly labels and machine-friendly qnames.

See Also

Further Reading on TopBraid