Migration Notes: EDG 8.2 to 8.3

Database upgrade on first system start

When EDG is started for the first time after the upgrade to 8.3, an automatic database migration is peformed. For this to succeed, there must be sufficient free disk space to accommodate a full copy of the EDG workspace directory.

The migration creates the following backup directories within the workspace:

  • For SharedTDB back-end: _Data/TDB_backup and _Data/System_backup

  • For DataPlatform back-end: _Data/dp-cache.tdb.db_backup and _Data/dp-system.tdb.db_backup

As a precaution, the migration process leaves these backups in place after completion. They can safely be removed once data integrity has been validated after successful upgrade, to reclaim disk space.

The migration can take a while (several minutes per million triples).

Removed system graphs

For 8.3 several RDF graphs have been removed from the workspace. In particular, if your EDG asset collections still owl:import any graph starting with http://edg.topbraid.solutions/1.0/shapes/ replace it with http://edg.topbraid.solutions/1.0/schema/ to avoid missing owl:imports warning.

Use of deprecated Jena functions

For SPARQL functions and scripts, please replace namespaces containing jena.hpl.hp.com with jena.apache.org. In particular:

  • Replace http://jena.hpl.hp.com/ARQ/list# with http://jena.apache.org/ARQ/list#

Change in language tag capitalization

EDG uses language tags to distinguish multilingual values. Starting with EDG 8.3, language tags are treated as case-insensitive, and are stored with normalized capitalization. For example, previous versions of EDG considered en-us, en-US and EN-US as three distinct languages. Now they all refer to the same en-US language. APIs, query languages, importers and exporters will accept any capitalization, and consistently return the normalized capitalization.

Data Platform upgrade

Deployments that use TopBraid Data Platform must also upgrade the Data Coordinator server to version 2.0.0-tq-1.