Migration Notes: EDG 8.0 to 8.1
Support for .icg
files removed
The EDG workspace will no longer load *.icg
files created in TopBraid Composer.
Renaming such files to *.ttl
will keep the contained graph accessibe under its base URI.
Queries against such graphs may need to be adjusted to explicitly include the imports, e.g., with the ui:graphWithImports
SPARQL function.
Potential changes to GraphQL schemas
GraphQL queries against taxonomies may need to be changed if they reference a top-level field with a name that clashes with imported names. For example in Geo Taxonomy there is now another queriable class with a local name called Country from Wikidata, which conflicts with g:Country.
For the EDG asset collection types (such as Technical Assets), the GraphQL schemas and search panel now support querying linked classes (values of sh:class constraints at the public classes). The additionally reachable classes may theoretically clash with existing classes and thus alter the GraphQL schemas.
Tomcat access log configuration
Because EDG does not use Tomcat’s built-in authentication service, the EDG username is not included in the default Tomcat access log. To configure Tomcat so its access log will record the EDG username see The Tomcat access log.