Modify > Add property shapes from Wikidata sample

This feature is available from the Modify Menu for classes and node shapes within Ontology asset collections. It opens a dialog where you can enter the ID of a Wikidata entity, and the system can suggest property definitions based on the values of the property that are actually used at the entity.


Wikidata has a different class/instance system than traditional RDF-based ontologies. Entities often use properties at hoc even if they are undeclared, and most entities do not rely on the rdf:type property like normal RDF instances do. For these reasons it is often necessary to create intermediate RDF and SHACL friendly classes with property declarations that make browsing and using Wikidata instances easier.

More information on working with Wikidata can be found in the further reading below.

Further Reading on Modify > Add property shapes from Wikidata sample

Further Reading on SHACL

Further Reading on Ontologies

Further Reading on Modify Menu

Further Reading on TopBraid