EDG Server Installation


For upgrade steps from previous versions, see Upgrading from Previous Versions.

  1. Make sure the prerequisites are provided: a supported operating system, and supported versions of Java and Tomcat

  2. Copy the edg-setup.properties file from the downloaded TopBraid EDG distribution zip file into the Tomcat root directory (or another location readable by Tomcat).

  3. Tell Tomcat where to find the setup file by adding to the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable. See Setup File: Location.

  4. Also add the following required JVM argument to Tomcat’s CATALINA_OPTS environment variable:

  5. If appropriate, configure Tomcat so its access log will record the EDG username. See Tomcat Access Log.

  6. Modify the settings in the setup file per the instructions found alongside the settings, or refer to Setup field reference for detailed instructions. Especially consider these fields:

  7. Complete any additional configuration steps required by the authentication methods chosen for endUserAuthMethod and apiAuthMethods. Refer to Authentication Methods for details.

  8. Place the edg.war into the webapps directory in Tomcat

  9. Start Tomcat

  10. Navigate to the home page of EDG. If setup was done incorrectly or is incomplete you will get an error page. Resolve any errors and restart, until EDG successfully starts up.

  11. If licenseFile was not specified in the setup file, EDG will now ask for the license file to be uploaded.

  12. You should now be able to access the home page.

  13. If no adminSecurityRoles were specified in the setup file, then an administrator must use the Rights Management Admin Page (in Server Administration) to transfer the AdministratorGroup to their organization’s defined security role(s) and then remove it from the ANY_ROLE wildcard role. Until this step is done, all users will have administrator privileges.

  14. An administrator should now go over the Server Administration Page to make any additional adjustments to EDG.