Ontologies and taxonomies are becoming important in many different industries and enable critical business capabilities
These information models describe concepts and relationships in healthcare, web search services, manufacturing, financial services and other industries. They include well established de-facto standard models like SNOMED, SCHEMA.ORG, FIBO and QUDT.
Organizations that use these models typically enrich them with their own unique concepts, terms, relationships and rules. Just like business glossaries, metadata and other information models, ontologies and taxonomies need to be socialized with all stakeholders and governed in a collaborative environment.
TopBraid EDG™ will let you:
Re-use vocabularies: Include, extend, enhance and connect industry standard vocabularies
Develop taxonomies: With the unlimited levels of hierarchy, custom fields, lingual content and support for SKOS and SKOS-XL
Develop ontologies: Define semantics of data through classes, attributes, relationships and rich business rules

Geography Taxonomy Example - Graph Explorer
Related Knowledge
From Hype to Reality: How Ontologies Are Paving the Way for Enterprise AI
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Visual Exploration of Ontologies with TopBraid EDG
Users often want to explore knowledge models visually. Diagrams help them in understanding the models and are especially useful when discussing models with colleagues.
What Are Classonomies – and why you may want to avoid them
Many of our customers have told us of the challenges of working with classonomies. To better understand what I mean by a classonomy, read this blog.
Why I Don’t Use OWL Anymore
This blog discusses why, after supporting OWL, Irene Polikoff, co-founder of TopQuadrant, has completely abandoned it in favor of SHACL.
Why I Use SHACL For Defining Ontology Models
This is the second blog on what modeling language we recommend to use when creating ontologies. In this blog I will talk about what I do use.
Modeling Graph Relationships
This blog offers advice on selecting a direction of the graph relationships, supporting inverse relationships and naming a relationship.