Control and empower critically important sets of data, improving the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of the data that powers your business operations.

Semantic building blocks of controlled vocabularies – relatively small but important sets of data – can have an outsized impact on your operations and need strong controls and consistency brought to them. They often are reused in myriad ways by other systems and processes.

TopBraid EDG provides unmatched flexibility and power to curate individual vocabularies, such as via an RDF knowledge graph approach. More important, TopBraid EDG can manage and harmonize multiple vocabularies scattered across spreadsheets, applications and modelling tools.
TopBraid EDG’s knowledge graph approach is a flexible, web-based system that supports business stakeholders who need to collaborate on defining, linking and using enterprise vocabularies (such as taxonomies, business glossaries and ontologies) required to integrate content sources, comply with regulations, enhance navigation and search.
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