
At TopQuadrant, we know we can’t achieve our mission of empowering businesses with data alone. That’s why we value collaborative partnerships that bring together diverse expertise and shared goals. Whether you’re a technology leader, a data consulting firm, or a business with complementary solutions, partnering with TopQuadrant can unlock exciting new possibilities.

Solution Partners

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North Highland

North Highland makes change happen, helping businesses transform by placing people at the heart of every decision. It's how lasting progress is made. With our blend of workforce, customer and operational expertise, we're recognized as the world's leading transformation consultancy.
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Technology Partners

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Interested in partnering with TopQuadrant?

The TopQuadrant

TopBraid EDG is the ultimate knowledge graph creation and curation tool, and was built to get the most out of the most expressive and limitless information architecture, RDF.

From concepts to results

20+ years of delivering business value from semantic technologies.

Collaboration capabilities for the enterprise

Confidently enable quality, consistency, and interoperability

Future proofed by design

Zero lock-in aligned to open standards (W3C)

Set the stage for innovation

Build the foundation for enterprise GenAI and LLMs

Ready to get started?