URI Construction Rules Configuration Section

This section of the Product Configuration Parameters Admin Page can be used to set the following values:




Include class prefix


Decides whether to append a Class Name or Class Prefix to new instance URIs.

Local name construct method


The selected method to construct URIs.

URI counter offset


The default offset used in the case of counter being set to construct URIs.

URI prefix separator


The character(s) used to separate the prefix value from the rest of the URI value when prefix is set.

URIs may not abbreviate


For label-based URIs, the system will by default try to make it possible for the URIs to be abbreviated as qnames. For example, it will avoid scenarios where the local names start with digits. Set this to true to not attempt this clean-up (which was the case prior to version 8).

Users cannot modify URI


If true then users cannot modify the suggested URIs.

Further Reading on TopBraid