TopBraid AI Service Section

The TopBraid AI Service provides AI features like the Vector Store which enables semantic search in the knowledge graph used by the AutoClassifier and Crosswalks.




TopBraid AI Service URL

Base URL of the TopBraid AI Service e.g. http://localhost:9000/ when it runs on the same machine.

Embedding Service Model

The language model to generate the vector embeddings e.g. text-embedding-3-small for the OpenAI endpoint. A list of supported models can be fetched from the embedding service.

Embedding Service URL

URL of the Embedding service to be used by the TopBraid AI Service e.g. http://localhost:9002/embeddings when it runs on the same machine or when using the OpenAI endpoint.

Vector Store Config

The Vector Store Config option is a JSON string that can be used to customize the underlying Weaviate index configuration. See the Weaviate documentation for more information:

Vector Store URL

Base URL of the Vector Store to be used by the TopBraid AI Service e.g. http://localhost:9001/ when it runs on the same machine..

Further Reading on TopBraid AI Service Section

Further Reading on TopBraid