Lucene Configuration Section

This section of the Product Configuration Parameters Admin Page can be used to set the following values:



Search the EDG Globally Enabled

If true, all asset collections are included in Search the EDG. Note: Requires a server restart to take effect.

Lucene Unlimited Matches

If true then queries using the Lucene text index will not use an upper boundary (10000) of matches. Activating this will return more complete results but may lead to bad worst-case performance. This setting applies to EDG editors and not Search the EDG

Use Lucene WhitespaceAnalyzer

Changes the Lucene index analyzer (currently used for the Text Indices/GraphQL-based and Seach the EDG queries only). The default StandardAnalyzer drops characters, such as slash (“/”) and hyphen (”–“), while the WhitespaceAnalyzer preserves them. Note: Requires a server restart and re-indexing to take effect.

Further Reading on TopBraid