Export > Export Ontology as RDF Schema File

This feature, for Ontology asset collections, produces a downloadable file that contains the classes and properties that are declared in the ontology, but using the simplified RDF Schema vocabulary only. It will not include SHACL or OWL definitions.


While the production version of your ontology for TopBraid should always be in SHACL, it sometimes makes sense to export a simplified RDFS version, especially for tools that do not handle SHACL.

Here are some of the rules that will be executed during export:

  • Copies any triples associated with the current class, including rdf:type, rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:comments and rdfs:labels. Excludes blank nodes as those might be OWL axioms that would require deeper traversal and are not needed for RDFS export.

  • Copies any triples associated with the current owl:Ontology. Excludes blank nodes in case those are used.

  • Creates an instance of rdf:Property for each URI path. Copies sh:name into rdfs:label and sh:description into rdfs:comment where applicable.

  • Assigns an rdfs:domain to a property if there is exactly one class that has the given property as its sh:property.

  • Based on sh:datatype and sh:class constraints this sets the rdfs:range of the property, assuming that there is just a single constraint of this type anywhere.


The exact SHACL rules that are used for the conversion can be found in the graph with URI http://datashapes.org/shacl2rdfs in the workspace.

See Also

Further Reading on SHACL

Further Reading on Ontologies

Further Reading on TopBraid