Source Code Panel

The Source Code panel displays the RDF statements related to the currently selected asset in Turtle notation. Turtle is a compact and efficient format to exchange and edit RDF-based data.


This is an expert feature that should be used with care, and only by users who are familiar with Turtle. It is possible to control which users are allowed to make edits through this panel on the Product Configuration Parameters Admin Page.

The Source Code Panel displays all triples that have the currently selected asset as its subject. However, it also recursively includes blank node structures (such as inner nodes of property shapes or OWL restrictions). If the selected asset is a class or node shape, it will also include all values of sh:property and their related triples. This means that you can use the Source Code Panel to make all changes related to a node shape and its properties in a single place.

If the asset has triples in an included asset collection or graph, then those triples will be displayed in a separate code block in the lower half of the panel. Only the locally stored triples are editable.


Users can potentially add triples that are not directly related to the main asset. This is both a blessing and a curse, but you can use this panel to quickly insert new triples that you have copied from elsewhere.

Toolbar Buttons

  • Cancel is activated when you have unsaved changes.

  • Save Changes applies the changes, replacing the triples that were originally displayed.


  • Hide statements from included graphs

    makes sure that only the directly asserted “local” triples are shown.

See Also

Further Reading on TopBraid