Accessing the EDG Application
For access to the EDG Console, send your browser to the URL http://[Web-application-server-host]:[Web-application-server-port]/edg/tbl/
The project
and several others will be created in the workspace.
If not, there were initialization problems and the TopBraid server will not work properly.
The most common source of problems are folder permissions for the process running the Web Application Server.
Try removing the workspace folder and restarting tomcat, making sure that the user running the process has write access to the parent folder of the workspace location.
License Registration
As part of the deployment/setup wizard, the license file will be added to EDG. If this is incorrect, expired or missing, a message will appear that points to the registration page, as shown in the following screen shot:

TopBraid EDG expired or missing license file message
Click on the link. A page will appear stating that there are “No currently registered products!”
Click on the
Change or Update Registration Information
link. Use theChoose File
button to choose the license file (.lic file) sent by TopBraid support when the license was issued.
A dialog will appear, verifying that the license was updated. The licenses and their expiration date will be displayed. This page is always available through the Server Administration tab and choosing the Server Administration then the Product Registration links.
The TopBraid EDG license will control the number of concurrent users, human and API, that can be using EDG at any one time. License seats are counted as unique requests meaning many tabs in one browser are all counted in the same user session/license seat but unique browsers by the same user are counted as different sessions using their own license seat. API calls authenticate into EDG as well using a license seat during processing.
For APIs, if using form authentication, be sure to log out after completion or for all other authentication you can drop requests and release license by calling “server”/edg/tbl/purgeuser. For form authentication, sessions expire upon timeout (set in web.xml in Tomcat), which releases the license seat held by the session.
If users for Basic or SAML SSO wish to close the application, please use logoff and then close the browser immediately before navigating back to EDG.