HTTP Basic Authentication

With this authentication method, user accounts and passwords are managed in a YAML configuration file. When used to authenticate API clients, the client sends their login name and password in an HTTP header. When used for end-users authentication, users enter their login name and password into a browser popup dialog. End-user logout is not fully supported.


HTTP Basic Authentication is a simple option for authenticating API clients.

Service accounts for API clients are defined in a configuration file. If management of service accounts in an enterprise identity provider is desired, consider Authentication with OAuth 2.0 instead.

Basic authentication is rarely used for end-user authentication because the only way a user can log out is to shut down their browser. Form Authentication is almost always a better choice here. Both can be enabled at the same time, and share the same user accounts.


For API client authentication

To enable basic authentication for API clients, add or uncomment in the setup file (

apiAuthMethods = basic

Note that multiple API authentications methods may be listed, separated by commas.

User management

Login names and credentials are defined in users.yaml as described here: The users.yaml file.

Authenticating API requests

This section describes how API clients can authenticate with HTTP basic authentication.

Basic authentication relies on the Authorization HTTP header whose value consists of the word Basic followed by a space followed by the Base64-encoded name:password.


Some HTTP client implementations expect the server to issue an authentication challenge consisting of an HTTP 401 status code and WWW-Authenticate header before the client will send the Authorization header.

API clients connecting to EDG must proactively send the Authorization header without relying on a prior challenge. This is sometimes known as preemptive HTTP basic authentication.

Here’s an example using the curl HTTP command line client to send a query to the SPARQL endpoint, assuming EDG is running at http://localhost:8083/:

curl -H "Authorization: Basic c2NvdHQ6MTIzNDU=" -d "query=SELECT * { () teamwork:readableGraphsUnderTeamControl ?g }" http://localhost:8083/tbl/sparql

The Base-64 string in the header translates to the user:password string scott:12345.

See also