Import > Import from JDBC Connection

This feature is available from the Import Tab of Datatypes and Data Asset Collections.

Functionally, import from JDBC has the same purpose as from a import of a DDL File, except that the DDL source is a live connection to a database server, rather than a DDL file.

The appropriate JDBC driver for the RDBMS you are importing from must be installed. See further reading on JDBC Driver Installation.

The parameters for the import are:

Model for Datatype Definitions: If not available, create a new EDG Datatype collection which will automatically be populated with some standard data

JDBC URL: The connection address-string, which may depend on the database type (e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb123)

User Name and Password: A database login with access to the desired tables.


If the password is already in TopBraid’s secure storage, it may be omitted.

Database name: LEAVE BLANK

Include data statistics: If checked, this will compute statistics summarizing the data contained in each imported entity (table, view) and column. Edit or view the data asset collection and select each asset item to see the details of its resulting statistics.

Include data samples: This can be disabled as of 7.7 via server setting or manage tab. If checked, this will collect sample rows from each entity (table, view). Edit or view the data asset collection and select each entity table or view to see the sample data.

Maximum number of data samples per table: When including data samples, the upper limit of rows to collect from each table for the sample data.

Record each new triple in change history: If checked, each imported triple is recorded in change history, which is not recommended for large imports.


This option is not visible if Manage > Record Triple Counts only is activated.

Schedule Import: lets the user schedule imports to run on a recurring schedule.

See Also

Further Reading on Import > Import from JDBC Connection

Further Reading on TopBraid