Transforming Data
The Transform Tab lets users run various transformation operations that will modify an asset collection they are working with. This view and its operations are only available to users with editor or manager privileges for the collection.
Execute Inference Rules
Executes SHACL and/or SPIN rules that are defined for the current collection and asserts the resulting statements. Also, one has the option to revisit all previous rules executions to remove results that are no longer valid and bypass change history.
Copy or Move Instances from Other Asset Collection
Copies or moves assets from other asset collections. “Copy” adds instances of selected classes from another asset collection into this Taxonomy. “Move” will also update the source asset collection by removing the instances from it. Executing “Move” requires editing permissions for the source asset collection. This option is useful for separating your instance data from schema.
Delete Sample Data for Data Assets
For Data Asset collections that have sample data imported from data sources, this allows collection editors to remove or reduce the sample rows currently retained by the collection. This does not effect future imports.
Convert OWL Axioms to SHACL Constraints for Ontologies
This scans the ontology, either replacing any OWL restrictions or RDFS domain/range axioms with their corresponding SHACL shapes or simply adding SHACL shapes. This provides a starting point for the full use of SHACL as described in Working with Ontologies. It is recommended to create a workflow for this operation to verify its results before committing them.
See also
For an explanation of the OWL-to-SHACL mapping, see From OWL to SHACL in an Automated Way.
For even more exact and up-to-date details, see the
items in theowl2shacl.ttl
workspace file (path:<EDG-WORKSPACE>\projects\TopBraid\SHACL\
Convert SKOS-XL Labels to Reified Values for Taxonomies
This feature will convert any instances of skosxl:Label
to values of their corresponding direct SKOS properties:
is converted toskos:prefLabel
is converted toskos:altLabel
is converted toskos:hiddenLabel
If the skosxl:Label
has other properties than skosxl:literalForm
and rdf:type
then these values will be converted into reified statements.
For example, if your skosxl:Label
instances have values for ex:isAbbreviation
and skosxl:prefLabel
was used to point to the label, then there will be a reified triple attached to the skos:prefLabel
statement to store these additional values.
The ontology should define suitable node shapes that define the properties such as ex:isAbbreviation
for display and editing purposes, and attach them to the property shapes of properties such as skos:prefLabel
using dash:reifiableBy
Optionally, the original URIs of the skosxl:Label
instances will be stored as reified triples and the property dash:uri
which can then be used to restore the original skosxl:Label
instances as part of an exporter.