User Directory
The list of all users defined in the EDG system can be shown by clicking on the User Directory link in the user menu in the top right of the header of every page. Each user listed can be clicked on to see their details. Only users that have previously logged in to EDG are listed on this page, unless LDAP is configured in Server Administration. For each user, the details are as listed in the following figure.
Settings: Non-LDAP users can define the email address that receives notifications, their name and phone number. Users with Administrator privileges can edit this information for all users. Language Preference is displayed based on the browser settings of the current user.
Governance Roles: Lists the governance roles of the selected user, if any. The list displays the name of the area or asset collection (including a link to the details page) and the governance role of the user.
Landing Page Gadget Settings: Users can personalize their view of the EDG Home (landing) page. Administrators cannot edit this for individual users, only globally through Server Administration.
Avatar: Clicking on the person icon in the top right will allow users (or administrators) to set a photo for the user to be used on the home page, user page, and comments.
This will be used on the home page, user page, and comments.